Monday, September 24, 2007

Summary #2

According to Douglas Husak, in the chapter 2 of The Legalization of Drugs, we must

ask the right question about the drug policy. He states that the two questions “should

drug be criminalized” and “should drug be decriminalized” are different; and he

believes the first one is the right question. Moreover, Douglas reports that “the right

question demands a justification for our existing policy”. (Husak and Marneffe, 2005,

page26) However, he also states that not everybody agree with him, some other

people thought the question in evaluating the drug policy is wrong because they

thought “It seems unlikely that American public is ready to accept”. (Husak and

Mareffe, 2005 , page 31)

Douglas, the author of this chapter, he states that justification and punishment are

the two main factors to evaluate the drug policy. For punishment, he believes that

“The fundamental question is whether we have good reasons to punish people who

use drugs.(Husak and Marneffe,2005,p28 ) He thinks we don’t have good reasons to

punish people by using drugs and people should not be punished by using drugs. For

justice, he believes that “To justify a particular criminal law is to provide compelling

reasons to punish people who break that law”(Huask and Marneffe, 2005, page 29);

and be different from the other crimes like robbery or rape, we can’t provide

compelling reasons for drug using.


janice-_-v said...

Hi Shawn! I think your topic is really good because in my country, drugs are not usually mentioned. So it was a good opportunity to think seriously about legalization of drugs. Last time, we discussed justification of drugs. Using drugs should be justified or punishment? People have had different opinions, but in my opinion, we do not have to punish people who use drugs in case they do not hurt other people. I am not sure if it is possible that using drugs can be justification, but i want to know more about reasons why people claim that taking drugs should be punishment. : )

Na is in Canada now said...

Hi, Shawn, how are you??
i think drugs will never become legal in my country, but after u told us about your article, i am still thinking about it....hehe:)
You told us that this chapter is talking about the evaluation of the drugs. there are two ways to evaluate drugs, which are justification and punishment. The author think that we shouldn't punish those people who took drugs, because we don't have enough reasons to punish them, because they took drugs by themselves, they didn't hurt other people, so , why should we punish them. i think i agree with this author, because they really didn't hurt anyone, they just hurt themselves......but that's their problems, because they don't care about themselves and their health, they should think about it and concerned about it.........if they didn't hurt other people, so......what's the point of punishing them????therefore, i agree with that author.